Magical Creatures Of Hogwartys

Magical Creatures Of Hogwarts


A Thestral is a breed of wing and horse with a skeletal body face with repitilian features and rude leathery wings resembling bats.

They are very rare and they are undesevedly linked with misfortune and aggresion as they are only visible to those who has been witnesses death atleast once and even due to their grim, gaint and ghostly appearance. They are described as sininster and spooky due to their bony figures and dragon like faces having white glittering eyes that lack both expression and pupils. They are alert bythe scent of blood.

Thestral wings don~t have any feathers at all. Their flesless bodies are covered with translucent and glossy coat. Their skin is so thin that thestral bones are clearly defined. They have long black mane~s as well as large tail with flowing black hair like horses. Their sharp fangs are used to seize and slash their prey.

They are social creatures who live in herds. They are found in dark environment and the forest is their natural habitat. They communicate with each other through a shrill and strange shriek. They are loyal. The thestral hair used in wand coves to create most powerful  wand.  Even it is used to make the most powerful want of all time that is “Elder Wand”.


Centaurs are the creatures appeared in greek mythology . Centaurs are human-like being hairing superior intelligence. Centaurs are magical creatures who heads, arms and torso are human-like and the lower-half is like horse”s body.
They are not half-breeds in any way shape or form. Centaurs are evolved through magical experimental breathing. They are fully consious, mentally aware and can speak, learn just like humans and share similar level of intelligence as humans. They can be born in sdifferent colous like horses ranging from deep black to white.
They are even beautiful in appearance than humans. They are not pleased when they are insulted. They are born seers. They are very proud creatures. They think that entering the human world is the greatest inult to their species. They don`t have any interest in technology. They use bows and arrows as their tools for their protection and other purposes. Thy favoured their connection with nature than any thing else. They have a sense of hunour and dignity and willing to harm young children. They have idealogies similar to humans.

They are highly experienced in healing, diviniation and astronomy. 

House Elves

They are magical creature and are devoted to those desigrated as their masters usually found employed under the old wizarding as their masters usually found employed under the old wizarding families. They can be freed from bondage by being handed an item of clothing from their master. They have pointed high squeaky voice and are short in height. They wore discarded items like pillolo cases and tea towels and are not cleaned. They have their own brand of powerful magic which allowed them perform numerous tasks without wand including appartation (means appear and disappear magically) which no wizard and witcch can do . They are also house protectors for  those to whom they had given their allediance. They have to obey all the commands given by their master and if they disobey they are forced to punish themselves. They don`t only serve one specific master but their whole family.


They are magical beasts and like centaurs they are combination of two different established species, The frone legs, wing and head of hippogriff is of a eagle and body, hand, legs and tail of horse. In their case also they are carnivorus and extremely dangerous. They eat mainly insects, birds and small mammals such as terrets. They even sometimes search ground for worms if no food is available. They build nests on ground while breeding and lay only single egg. Which is quite fragile . The Egg usually hatches in 24 hrs. After they are hatched inant hippogriffs are capable to fligh within a week. When humans approach them a proper attic must be maintained to avoid danger. They are intensely proud creatures and an individual show them proper respect by bowing in front of them and waiting for them to bow before approaching, eye contact should be maintained all they may even attack . Despite being proud and aggressive they can be fiercely loyal and very protective to those who have earned their trust.


A Unicorn  is a white horse with a horn sticking out of his head. They possess puted magical properties. Unicorn foals are born pure gold in colour and remain like that untill they are of tow years old. At the age of four they turn silver and when they are fully white which appears very bright. Their hooves are golden from their starting stage. Their blood is silver blue in colour and shines on dew moonlight. They only prefer women`s touch and the youngs ones are more trusting. They are very fast that they can even outrun were wolves very easily. Their horns of unicorn are particularly used in posions such as in antidots to posions. It has purification properties according to myths. Their hairs are used in wand making as they produce the most consistent magic and most faithful ones. The blood of unicorn can be used to make a person alive, Who is near death but the person will have a cursed life from the moment it touches the person`s lips.

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